The workshop is designed for managers at all levels, to acquire communication tools and provide them with the ability to reach professional goals and objectives. The participants will learn interpersonal communication, tools to improve communication and ways to create a sustainable relationship. The participants will experience how to conduct a dialogue based on interests, to deal with organizational conflicts, and to develop communication capabilities, to achieve organizational goals, while working effectively with their teams.
To listen in order to understand, communicate to resolve conflicts and reach understanding.
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The workshop is focused on two levels: within the organization (departments, divisions etc.) and between organizations (providers, suppliers etc.). The workshop is meant to provide the managers with tools which will allow them to achieve their goals and those of their organization. Every meeting between people is a social, professional, business or interpersonal interaction and the success of the meeting lies in building a good personal relationship. The workshop will develop communication skills to achieve the goals of the manger.
What is listening? How to listen, creating clarity by active listening
What are the blocks to listening – why don’t we listen
Different levels of listening – reframing, empathy
Asking questions – levels and types of questions
Johari window
Overcoming misunderstanding, interpretations and prejudices
How to manage difficult conversations
How to listen to angry people
Moving from positions to interests in conversations,
We work in groups using simulations and exercises from the professional experience of the teams.
One day workshop